Dear Professor Ferdinand Bauer,
On behalf of the Romanian Society of Surgery we have the pleasure to invite you as invited speaker to the Romanian National Congress of Surgery, online edition, November 4-7, 2020. We have prepared a dedicated platform for the congress, with live sessions, 3D virtual exhibition and networking area.
The Romanian National Congress of Surgery is recognized as one of the most prestigious surgery congress in Romania, gathering more than 1000 healthcare professionals, from our country and abroad.
The scientific quality of the presentations will guarantee that this meeting will be a memorable event for all online attendees and the program will be designed to provide opportunities for scientific exchange between the participants.
It will be a great honor for us if you will accept our invitation to contribute to the success of this event.
Yours sincerely,
President of Romanian Society of Surgery and President of the National Congress of Surgery
The main topics of the National Congress of Surgery 2020:
1. Colorectal Cancer
2. The History of Surgery
3. Miscellaneous
Dear Doctor ,
The Scientific Committee of CNC2020 (November 4-7, 2020) invites you to moderate the session:
“Restadialization in rectal cancer after RCT”
Author (s): F. Bauer
on Friday, November 6, starting with 4:45:00 PM, in the “Colorectal Surgery” session, which will take place between 4.30 pm and 6.30 pm, in Room 2 (virtual conference room). The time allotted for presentation and discussion is 10 minutes.
Thank you!
CNC 2020 Scientific Committe