Dear Professor Ferdinand Bauer
It would be a huge privilege and honour for us if we could welcome you as a distinguished guest to the 14th Congress organized by the Association of Surgeons “Nicolae Anestiadi” of the Republic of Moldova and the 4rd Congress of the Society of Endoscopy, Minimally Invasive Surgery and Ultrasonography “V. M. Guțu”, which will take place between the 21th and 23 th of September 2023, in Chisinau.
We would appreciate if you could accept our invitation to provide a 20-minute lecture during the Key Note Lecture session.
We would be grateful if you could let us know about your availability to attend the event at your earliest convenience. Please use the link below to visit the website of the Congress:
All expenses related to your participation in the Congress (registration fee, accommodation, social networking) will be borne by the Organisational Committee.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. Please share this information with your colleagues.
We are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation.
It would be a pleasure seeing you in Chisinau.
Prof. Dr.
Sergiu Ungureanu
President of the National Congress of Surgery
Elected president of the Society of Surgeons from