Summer School in Radiology and Medical Imaging Symposium – 2023

Dear Colleagues,
Radiology and Medical Imaging is a specialty that has evolved significantly in recent years, becoming one of the top specialties chosen by medical students.
On behalf of the Romanian Society of Radiology and Medical Imaging it is my pleasure to announce the organization of the Summer School in Radiology and Medical Imaging from 28 June to 1 July 2023. This year’s event has a unique location, namely the Palkonya vineyard in Hungary, a region with a rich cultural tradition. The famed location and relaxed atmosphere of the BAUER residence, which will host us throughout the school, will ensure the success of this meeting.
This event aims to fully support the best radiology and medical imaging residents in Romania, UNITY being the key word. The novelty of this event is the interdisciplinary collaboration with prestigious surgeons as well as imagists from European countries such as Germany. The resident doctors to whom this event is dedicated will have the opportunity to learn new things, to deepen their knowledge, but also to look to the future by catching up with the latest trends in radiology and medical imaging.
There will be 50 places with physical attendance reserved for residents in years 1-5. Residents participating in the physical format will have their logistical expenses covered locally and will be assigned by their residency coordinators, within the limit of the places allocated to each centre.
The theme of the European Congress of Radiology 2024 is Next Generation Radiology and in order to be on trend it is incumbent on all of us to support the next generation of radiologists and imagers in Romania.
The event is accredited by the Romanian College of Physicians
We now look forward to stepping into the future together!
Prof. Ioana Gheonea
President of SRIM
Impressions of the Symposium
16.00 – Welcome cocktail, Haus Bauer , Palkonya
JOI (29 IUNIE): Radioimagistica rectala
Sesiune curs orele 09.00-18.15
09.00 – 09.40 – Sonografia canalului anal (Prof. Dr. Sorin Dudea)
09.40 -10.20 – Ce vrea sa auda chirurgul de la un radiolog – chirurgia laparoscopica a rectului (Prof Dr. Istvan Gabor)
10.20-11.00 – Anatomia imagistica, technica de examinare cancer rectal, stadializare: (S.L. Dr Lucian Florescu)
11.00 -11.15 Pauza de cafea
11.15-11.45 – Stadializare imagistica cancer colorectal – detalii pentru oncolog (Dr. Cristina Ciofiac)
11.45- 12.35 Restadializare cancer rectal (Dr Ferdinand Bauer)
12.35- 13.00 Rolul echipei multidisciplinare cancer colorectal (Prof. Dr. Ioana Gheonea/Prof. Dr. Surlin)
13.00 – 14.00 Pauza de masa
14.00- 16.00 Sesiune quiz-case
16.00-16.15 Pauza cafea
16.15- 18.15 Sesiune quiz-case
19.00 Cina, Crama Bock (Weinkeller Besuch –
VINERI (30 IUNIE): Radioimagistica MSK
Sesiune curs orele 09.00-18.15
09.00 – 09.40 Anatomia imagistica si raportul structurat in patologia umarului (Dr. Bauer)
09.40 – 10.20 Corelatie artroscopie/MRI in patologia umarului (Dr. Bauer)
10.20 – 11.00 Rolul ecografiei in imagistica umarului (Prof. Dr. Dudea)
11.00-11.15 Pauza cafea
11.15- 13.00 – Cazuri clinico-imagistice umar (pitfalls, tipps and tricks)
13.00-14.00 Pauza masa
14-14.45 Anatomia imagistica si raport structurat in imagistica genunchiului (Dr. Bauer)
14.45- 16.00 Corelatie artroscopie/MRI in patologia genunchiului (Dr. Bauer)
16-16.15 – Pauza cafea
16.15- 18.15 – Cazuri clinico-imagistice genunchi (pitfalls, tipps and tricks) (Dr. Bauer)
19.00 – Gala Dinner, Crama Bauer (
Sesiune curs orele 09.00-15.00
09.00 – 10.00 Procese expansive maligne intranevraxiale cerebrale (Prof Dr. Gheorghe Iana)
10.00 – 11.00 Cazuri clinice (Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Iana)
11.00-11.15 Pauza cafea
11.15 – 11.45 – Prezentare de ansamblu si discutii finale cancer colorectal
11.45 – 12.15 – Prezentare de ansamblu si discutii finale imagistica umar
12.15 – 12.45 – Prezentare de ansamblu si discutii finale imagistica genunchi
12.45 – 13.15 – Prezentare de ansamblu si discutii finale neuroimagistica
13.15 -14.00 Pauza masa
14.00 -14.45 – Evaluare cunostinte