„Imaging and Diagnosis for Planning the surgical and non-surgical procedure in rectal cancer-multidisciplinary approaching”
Dear Professor,
I invite you and we would be honored to have you join us at the National Conference Technology & IHealth in 21st Century Medicine, Targu Mures on 6-9 July 2022.
Please find below the main coordinates of the conference.
We are looking forward to your presence at the conference and to your participation in the Radiology-Imaging section.
- Period: 6-9 July 2022
- Venue: UMFST George Emil Palade, Targu Mures.
- Time allocated for presentations /section (140 -160 minutes). 6-8 presentations x 20 minutes/presentation.
Honorary conference chair: Acad Prof Dr Constantin Ionescu Tirgoviste, President of AMR.
President of the Scientific Council: Prof. Dr. Leonard Azamfirei, Rector UMFST George Emil Palade Tg Mures.
Conference sections: Cardiology; Surgical Specialties; Radiology & Imaging; Gastroenterology; Orthopedics; Ophthalmology; Urology; Oncology; Pneumology; Gynecology; Medical Rehabilitation; Neurosurgery; ENT; Diabetes-Nutrition; Emergency Medicine; ICU; Medical Simulation: Laboratory Medicine; Dentistry; Family Medicine; Bioinformatics & Artificial Intelligence; Pharmacy.
Project under the aegis of the: Romanian Academy.
Scientific organizer: Romanian Medical Association.
Invited in the project:
- Prof Stefan Hell – Director Mark Planck Institute Germany, honorary member of the Romanian Academy.
- Acad Prof Dr Nicolae Zamfir – Director IFIN-HH Magurele.
- Acad Prof Dan Ioan Tufis, General Director ICPIA Romanian Academy.
Deadline for submission of presentation titles / section – 30 April 2022.
For further details and clarifications I am waiting for your message.
Thank you for your confirmation and involvement in this national project.
With kind regards,
Grigore IUGA
Public Relations Director
Romanian Medical Association, founded in 1857.