Doctor Ferdinand Bauer
Dear Doctor,
opening of the New Headquarters of the University Hospital in Cracow is the crowning moment of long term, consistent efforts to create a modern working environment which promotes diagnostics and treatment of the sick at the highest level.
Cooperation of representatives of various medical diagnosis and cancer therapies – specialists in surgery, radiotherapy, medical oncology, radiology is extremely important in the treatment of cancer patients. The idea to organise a conference devoted to colorectal cancer, addressed to the doctors of various specialities, developed during discussions accompanying oncological consiliums.
We are privileged to invite you to participate in the Conference entitled „Colorectal cancer- evolution of standards and new possibilities of diagnostics and treatment” which will take place on 5 -th and 6 -th March 2020 in the New Headquarters of the University Hospital in Cracow- Prokocim.
In accordance with previous arrangements we hope that your lecture „MRI in rectal cancer” will mark the programme of the Conference. Your presentation is planned on Friday the 6-th March 2020 in the V Session (09.00 -10.30). Total lecture time is 20 minutes.
The formal organizer of the Conference is the Ludwik Rydygier Cracovian Association (Krakowskie Stowarzyszenie im. Ludwika Rydygiera).
The Scientific Programme was created in cooperation with Departament of General, Oncological and Gastroenterological Surgery of the Jagieloński University Colllegium Medicum (Klinika Chirurgii Ogólnej, Onkologicznej i Gastroenterologicznej UJ CM), Oncology Clinic of the Jagieloński University Colllegium Medicum (Klinika Onkologii UJ CM) and Radiotherapy Institution for Children and Adults of University Hospital for Children in Cracow (Zakład Radioterapii Dzieci i Dorosłych Uniwersyteckiego Szpitala Dziecięcego w Krakowie). The executive organizer of the Conference is The Czelej Publishing House.
I would like to emphasize that the entire programme is adapted to specialisation training programme and further medical education.
The Conference programme is available on https://konferencjajelitogrube.pl
We would like to thank you in advance for supporting the initiative and taking an active part in this event.
On behalf of Organising Committee
Yours Sincerely,
Professor of the Jagieloński University Antoni Szczepanik